Every Easter, I stock up on mini caramel chocolate eggs especially for a beaut little recipe for Caramel Easter Egg Muffins. I have made these for many different people who have all equally adored them over the years. One of my bosses called a particularly over the top batch (with pink icing and hundreds&thousands on top) "solid ADHD" in a very approving way!
The reason I had been adding cupcake icing to the mix was because I had actually found that the afore-linked recipe sometimes turned out a little dry. This year I decided to sniff around for a new batter and lo and behold, past-me had snipped and clipped a few good cupcake and muffin mixes for my "I'm moving out of home I'd better collect lots of recipes in a folder" folder. Lucky we can all benefit from my OCD tendencies:
I didn't have any specifically-branded butter, but I had easy-spread butter in the fridge (which is butter with a vegie oil blend) which worked just as well I must say. I also had received a lovely gift from my sister - these adorable new little ladies to try out:
They do so love to get covered in flour! Sadly I did not have a sieve as half my stuff is still on the East Coast, and in fact baking more often has made me bite the bullet and get all my "personal belongings" removalisted to the West Coast to prevent me getting any more Kitchen Rage. A minor detail.
So basically, using the mix in the recipe above, or really any nice cupcake/sweet muffin mix, pour the batter into the muffin pans (patty case lined or oiled) until you have reached the half way level, then plonk your caramel chocolate on/in, then fill up the rest of the way with the batter, making sure the chocolate is covered.
I also went to the supermarket WAAAAY too late (hey, I was on nights, I can't be expected to keep track of all you normal people and your "public holiday" thingies every year!) - so instead of caramel eggs I used a snap block of Cadbury Caramello chocolate instead. Dangerous, as I may be able to make these ADHD-sugar-rush-bad-boys all year round! Watch out!
I was running late for work by this stage so no cool down for icing time was allowed. I went to visit my sister and drop off my doggles for dogglesitting; she had a block of dark chocolate that she kindly let me use, so I just grated some dark chocolate sprinkles on top. The latent warmth helped it half-melt and stick on, and it looked very pretty. On both the muffins and all over her kitchen bench! Oops.
The night staff crew and my sis & bro-in-lo approved! Another Happy Easter to all (please excuse my belated posting)!
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